Attention Seniors- A new scholarship has been posted to the Class of 2022 google classroom. The Charles Stratton Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to one senior from the Norwich City School District. The student should have at least an 85% average and be active in extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs, music/musicals, or have contributed in some way to make their school or community a better place. The application is due May 20, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Amanda C Burns
Third grade works hard and plays hard. 💜
about 3 years ago, Melissa A Lawrence
Fun in the snow ❄️
Fun in the snow ⛄️
Working hard in third grade
Fun in the snow⛄️
First grade has worked on writing nonfiction books. These are our published books!
about 3 years ago, Tanya F Blaisure
First Grade
First Grade
First Grade
Can you find the ducks in the photo? Students are participating in a school-wide Rubber Duck Hunt to celebrate all the amazing things they've done this year! Students have the rest of the week to find and turn in the rubber ducks for a prize with a positive message. Happy Hunting NMS Students!! - NMS Student Ambassadors
about 3 years ago, NMS Student Ambassadors
Duck Hunt Photo
Gibson's Pre-K team had the opportunity to share the amazing things they do with our board of education this week. We are so proud of our pre-k staff and students!
about 3 years ago, Alysa Law-Shearer
Pre-K Board
This is a reminder that grades 6-12 will be on a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, January 18th for a professional development morning for our staff. All BOCES CTE students should ride the PB bus into school. The bus will leave for BOCES in the morning at normal time (8:25-8:30).
about 3 years ago, Scott Graham
Bus Drivers Needed As Soon As Possible! NCSD offers competitive pay and great health, dental, and retirement benefits. For more information check out our postings on
about 3 years ago, NCSD
Bus Drivers Needed
The Preferred Foundation Scholarship is now available for seniors with a 95 or higher GPA. Due 2/25/22. Click below for the application:
about 3 years ago, Amanda C Burns
Coffee Shop pics!
about 3 years ago, Jessica L Nipe
Life Skills students running their coffee shop
Keeping our serving area neat and clean!
Mrs. Gates' Second Grade class had fun today performing a Readers Theatre called "Snowflakes"!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Gates
Reading with fluency in 2nd Grade!
Our Third graders are very focused in math class. We are working on area; using square inch tiles to create different combinations of length and width to place on grid paper.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Stafford's third grade classroom
clear drawings
exploring different side lengths
good conversation about their ideas
lots of focus here
Tuesday, January 18th will be a 2 hour delay for students in grades 6-12, as our staff engages in an exciting and impactful professional learning experience. If your child rides a bus, their pickup time will be 2 hours later, and our doors will open for learning at 10:15 am. Remember this delay only impacts students in grades 6-12, on Tuesday, January 18th.
about 3 years ago, Jessica Poyer
teachers learning
The School Counselors at NHS keep track of all students progress toward graduation requirements. Here is a link to help you understand what those NYS graduation requirements are:
about 3 years ago, Amanda C Burns
The High School Life Skill's class has a great time operating their weekly Purple Tornado Coffee Shop each week! Students are able to practice real-life skills such as baking, making coffee, counting money, making change, interacting with customers, and keeping a clean work environment. Money earned goes towards classroom needs, community donations, and saving up for a Spring field trip!
about 3 years ago, Jessica L Nipe
Ms. Challan, Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Heinly’s 2nd grade pod has welcomed in the new year and winter weather with some activities!
about 3 years ago, Colleen Heinly
New Year resolutions
Snowmen at night
Snowmen at night
New Year resolutions
Bus Drivers Needed As Soon As Possible! NCSD offers competitive pay and great health, dental, and retirement benefits. For more information check out our postings on
about 3 years ago, NCSD
Bus Drivers Needed
In Mrs.Lawrence's class we have been talking about groups of 10 ones and some more ones. Here they are working in pairs counting different sets of objects to see if they have a set of 10.
about 3 years ago, Shawna M Lawrence
sharing the task of counting 10
working in pairs counting sets of 10
partner work
working together
We are enjoying our IPADS in kindergarten as we learn!!!
about 3 years ago, Jaclyn E Lund
We’re thankful for our IPADS each week as we always find fun lessons that assist with classroom lessons.
Kindergartners enjoy their IPADS each week!!
We are lucky to have one-to-one devices in Kindergarten.
IPADS make learning fun!
Happy New Year to all from Mrs. Pacilio and the Pickles!
about 3 years ago, Michele J Pacilio
Mrs. Pacilio's Pickles
BREAKING NEWS... NCSD will be back to in-person instruction for grades 6-12 on Tuesday, January 11th. GO Purple!
about 3 years ago, Scott Ryan