FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER – hosted by The Bandera Family and Community Alliance Please join us for a FREE sit-down meal: When: Sunday December 25th from 12PM to 2PM Where: The American Legion; 29 Sheldon Street, Norwich, NY 13815 Need or want a Free Meal DELIVERED to your Home? Just Dial 211 on your phone (Monday-Friday) from December 1st thru December 22nd and we will Take your Order! We also will offer pickup meals at the door of The American Legion from 12PM to 2PM – please see sign for PICKUP Location. We are still looking for VOLUNTEERS 12/21, 12/22, 12/23 and on Christmas Day – if you interested in serving your community you can sign up by going to and select a time slot that works best for you. Families Welcomed. Thank you in advance and we wish you a Very Merry Christmas.
about 2 years ago, NCSD
Please click the link below to check out the latest NMS Parent Update. From everyone at Norwich Middle School, we wish you a happy and health holiday season!!
about 2 years ago, Terence Devine
Norwich High School Daily Bulletin for December 22, 2022. Today is a Purple Day!
about 2 years ago, Norwich High School Office
3rd grade science class has been busy learning about forces of motion. We have been investigating different designs for our wheels and axles.
about 2 years ago, Perry Browne Science Grades 3-5
wheels and axles
wheels and axles
wheels and axles
wheels and axles
Fifth grade science class has been exploring how to separate mixtures in liquid and solid forms.
about 2 years ago, Perry Browne Science Grades 3-5
Fourth grade science class has been working hard in investigating different pathways that electricity flows.
about 2 years ago, Perry Browne Science Grades 3-5
Dear NCSD Parents and Guardians, Help educators to better serve their students and families by completing the Digital Resource Questionnaire! Click the link below for instructions now:
about 2 years ago, NCSD
Ms. Challan, Mrs. Heinly and Mrs. Wenzel's class used our nonfiction writing skills to write up animal descriptions as a special project for the SPCA to help promote adoptions!
about 2 years ago, Colleen Heinly
Joey the cat
Tank the dog
Buttercup the cat
Tyrone the cat
Little Twisters were celebrated for showing the character trait of Gratitude during our PurposeFull People Celebration. Nice Job Little Twisters!!
about 2 years ago, Katlyn Carnachan
First Grade
2nd Grade
Ms. Challan, Mrs. Heinly and Mrs. Wenzel's class used our nonfiction writing skills to write up animal descriptions as a special project for the SPCA to help promote adoptions!
about 2 years ago, Colleen Heinly
Stuffing the cat
Mr. Cinnamon the dog
Pepper the cat
Eden the cat
Little Twisters were celebrated for showing the character trait of Empathy during our PurposeFull People Celebration. Nice Job Little Twisters!!
about 2 years ago, Katlyn Carnachan
First Grade
Pre- K
First Grade
Attention Caregivers! Please note our Holiday Recess dates below: There will be no school from Friday, December 23, 2022 through Monday, January 2, 2023. Have a safe and warm holiday season! #gopurple
about 2 years ago, NCSD
Attention! Norwich City School District is hosting our Middle School and High School Winter concerts tonight and tomorrow in the HS Auditorium at 7:00 p.m.! See you there! Sneak Peak below:
about 2 years ago, NCSD
Congratulations to the Middle School Music Students who put on an amazing concert last night, and helped us ring in the holiday season.
about 2 years ago, Terence Devine
concert 1
concert 1
concert 1
Attention! Norwich City School District is hosting our Middle School and High School Winter concerts tonight and tomorrow in the HS Auditorium at 7:00 p.m.! See you there! Sneak Peak below:
about 2 years ago, NCSD
Absences Add Up! #ChooseNorwich Every Day!
about 2 years ago, NCSD
Norwich High School Daily Bulletin for December 20, 2022. Today is a Purple Day!
about 2 years ago, Norwich High School Office
Take a peek at all the wonders Miss Valashinas’ Happy Little Campers explore and learn about! Look at them partner read, solve math problems, take care of living things and share written stories with others!
about 2 years ago, Miss Valashinas
Partner reading
watering planrs
sharing our writing
Math workshop
In first grade, during the month of December, we have been celebrating many things. One celebration was for our writers with our narrative publishing party. The students chose a writing piece they were proud of to publish and share with their class and teachers.
about 2 years ago, Suzanne Fagnani
First Grade
First Grade
First Grade
First Grade
Attention Caregivers! Please note our Holiday Recess dates below: There will be no school from Friday, December 23, 2022 through Monday, January 2, 2023. Have a safe and warm holiday season! #gopurple
about 2 years ago, NCSD