Perry Browne Intermediate School

Perry Browne Intermediate School Main Office

31 Beebe Avenue
Norwich, NY 13815
607.334.1600 ext. 3053
Fax: 607.334.6201

Sara Gilbeau
Contact the Principal

Perry Browne Resources

Perry Browne Intermediate

Welcome to Perry Browne Intermediate! We invite approximately 380 students in grades 3-5 into a learning environment that fosters social-emotional well being and academic growth. Our mission is to Connect, Inspire, and Empower all students to reach their fullest potential. 

Your child's safety and social-emotional well-being are among out top priorities. We focus on building strong character and supportive community values through daily social-emotional learning experiences. We center our work on traits like kindness, courage, empathy, responsibility, respect, gratitude, and honesty. It is our goal that students acquire skills and traits that support their overall well-being as they navigate the world around them.

In addition to supporting our students social-emotional development, we are committed to academic excellence. We engage in the workshop model of learning in reading, writing, and math. This model provides opportunities for enrichment and intervention while establishing routines that promote independent thinking and risk-taking. While engaging in the inquiry process, students become increasingly versed in social studies and science concepts that challenge them to think critically and creatively.

We see caregivers and families as being an essential piece of our learning community. As always, your involvement is welcomed and appreciated. Please don't hesitate to contact us at 607-334-1600 ext. 3053. Go Purple!

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